Zolita Sverdlove
Small Oil Paintings
1092 High Tea 16x20 $1,500
753 Winter skies over Mt. Baldy 16x20 $1,800
840 Guardian Angel 9x12 $900
703 Palms and Clouds 10x14 $1,400
924 Peruvian Sunflowers 12x16 $1,050
808 Japanese Lanterns 12x16 $1,100
770 Peaks and Clouds 11x14 $1,000
978 Anenomes 12x12 $900
1080 Marigolds in Blue Cup 14x14 $1,000
607 Little Coast 8x12 $900
980 Flower Pickers 12x12 $900
611 California Poppies 12x12 $800
786 Starry night at Death Valley 12x16 $800
978 Anenome Daisies 12x12 $1,000
906 Yellow Daylilies 12x16 $1000
792 Tangerines and Butterfly 15x15 $1300
797 Tea Roses 12x9 $1,000
689 Anenomes 12x10 $1,000