Zolita Sverdlove
Impressionist DrawingsÂ
Still Life and Other
To purchase art work, contact drdrapp@earthlink.net
Sverdlove's drawings reveal another aspect of her art. While her monotypes, acrylics and oils tend to be broad based with large strokes using color rather than line to define shapes, her drawings show that she could draw meticulously when the subject matter called for it. Some drawings are linear, as for example the eight drawings of waves, or the drawings of jellyfish. Other drawings are essentially paintings in black and white with rich use of black and white areas as shown in some still life. A few drawings could have been described as watercolors. D12-33 is the most beautiful rendition of an angel I have ever seen.
D11-1 Wave 11x15 $200
D11-2 Wave 11X15 $200
D11-10 Wave V 11x15 $200
D10-64 Wave II 11x15 $150
D10-65 Wave VI 11x15 $200
D11-25 Wave III 11x15 $250
D11-26 Wave 11x15 $250
D11-27 Wave 11x15 $200
Waves in the ocean are dynamic - constantly in motion. We see them as a happening. Sverdlove was able to capture the instantaneous state of a wave in mid-motion with an imaginative, impressionistic treatment, probably influenced by the wood block "Great Wave off Kanegawa" by Hokusai.
Sverdlove painted a quite a few pictures of people at the breakfast table. Only a few are included in this website.
D11-35 Moon Jellyfish 11x15 $150
D11-48 Jellyfish 11x15 $250
D3-22 Jellyfish 11x15 $250
D18-69 still life 11x15 $150
W18-65 Still life with coffee pot 14x17 $200
D3-25 Still Life with Teapot 11x15 $200
D3-27 Still Life 11x15 $150
D16-49 Still Life 11x14 $100
D13-11 Still Life 11x15 $100
D11-19 Breakfast 11x15 $100
D12-17 Spare Ribs 11x15 $100
D18-42 Still Life 10x14 $150
D13-49 Still Life 8x10 $150
D13-54 Snowflakes 15x20 $200
D13-55 Snowflakes 11x15 $200
D10-20 Riders 15x11 $100
D3-146 Horseback in Eaton Canyon 15x11 $150
D2-94 Dawgs 8x10 $100
D2-96 Birds 10x12 $100
D12-30 Angels 11x15 $150
D12-33 Angel 11x15 $200
D12-32 15x11 Angels 15x11 $150
D2-97 Still life 11x15 $100
D2-98 Still life 11x15 $100
D2- 141 Rock Singer 14x11 $100
D2-145 Mourners 12x11 $100
D2-142 Rescue 11x14 $100
D2-160 Boat Launching 9x15 $100
D3-83 Still Life With Figs and Artichoke 11x15 $250
D3-144 Still Life with Figs and Artichoke 11x15 $200
D12-48 Pomegranates 11x15 $150
D10-40 Persimmons 11x15 $250
D19-22 Still Life 18x23 $250
D19-26 Still Life 15x20 $250
D19-34 Still Life 19x26 $200
D3-87 Crane 11x15 $200
D3-149 Farmers Market South Pasadena 11x15 $100
D3-150 Farmers Market South Pasadena 11x15 $100
D3-151 Farmers Market South Pasadena 11x15 $100
D3-125 Farmers Market South Pasadena 11x15 $200
DZ-5 Farmers Market 10x14 $100
D2-36 Farners Market South Pasadena 11x15 $100
D3-84 Koi 11x15 $200
D12-23 Koi 11x15 $150
D11-31 Marymere Falls 11x15 $150
D13-61 Still Life 11x8 $100
D3-67 Walkers at Pt. Lobos 11x15 $200
D10-9 Pushing Off 11x15 $100
D10-26 Palm Cutters 15x11 $100
D10-27 Palm Cutters 15x11 $100
D10-48 Gondolier 11x15 $200
D11-11 European City 11x15 $150
D13-17 Dragonfly on Lily Pads 12x15 $150
D3-111 Pumpkin Field 11x15 $150
D10-39 Flower Pickers 11x15 $150
D14-2 Pickers 7x8 $100
D14-3 Pickers 7x8 $100
D9-L2 Provincetown 11x14 NFS
This was done when artist was age 16
D2-121 Plumb Tuckered Out 11x15 $100
D3-52 Ducks 11x15 $200
D2-68 Still Life With Artichoke 11x16 $150
D7-46 Still Life 11x15 $100